autofit text to placeholder with imported word doc

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shiz
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to import a word doc into ppt to make a slide show from it
(office 2003). However, when I do this, the autofit text to placeholder
doesn't work by default and there are a great number of slides. While I
could do them one by one, this seems like a huge waste of time. There has to
be a better way. Is there a way to autofit text to placeholder for all
slides at once. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi Shiz

If you go to Tools -> AutoCorrect -> AutoFormat as You Type tab -> is
'AutoFit body text to placeholder' ticked? I'm not sure if this will solve
your issue but it's somewhere to start. Or alternatively once you have
created the ppt change the font size used by the placeholder on the master.

But before you do any of that, what is this presentation for? If it is to
present to an audience *please* don't do it this way. It won't help you and
it won't help them. Instead put the information in a handout (like the handy
Word doc you already have!) and use the titles of the slides as inspiration
for a way to visually represent that slide's topic.

Bill Dilworth wrote an excellent reply to someone a day or so ago about how
to plan a presentation - look for his reply under the thread named:
PowerPoint Presentation OP: Linnie4536


It is an extensive list of questions for review. Doesn't really have to be
too fancy. I just has to all fit on the screen. Also, it would take way too
long to type out my list of 2000 questions manually. Thanks
Hi Shiz

How did you get on with checking the AutoCorrect option and trying a
different font size?

And can you confirm how you imported the text from the Word doc?



Lucy Thomson
PowerPoint MVP
MOS Master Instructor
In word, I just made questions "heading 1" and the bodies "heading 2." Then
went to File>Send to>ppt. It imported the whole thing just the way I wanted
with the exception of now having to resize 2000 questions. Thanks
2000 questions???? To get the audience asleep?
Shiz said:
It is an extensive list of questions for review. Doesn't really have to
too fancy. I just has to all fit on the screen. Also, it would take way
long to type out my list of 2000 questions manually. Thanks
Hi Shiz

Changing the font size on the Master would seem the simplest solution to me.
Maybe one of the VBA-ers can help with making the autofit work on all the

I must say though, that I still think the best approach would be to print
off the questions & detail (which you don't need to re-type as you could
just use the original Word document) and perhaps put the questions on screen
but without the detail.

I suppose I'm still quite baffled by the idea of people sitting in a room
reviewing 2000 questions in this manner.

Another alternative of course is to project the Word document itself and
just scroll through...


Lucy Thomson
PowerPoint MVP
MOS Master Instructor
It is part of board review. We cover these questions over the course of a
month. Everyone is put on the spot to answer questions, myself included.
Those that fall asleep are publicly flogged.

Jean-Pierre Forestier [MVP[ said:
2000 questions???? To get the audience asleep?
Shiz said:
It is an extensive list of questions for review. Doesn't really have to
too fancy. I just has to all fit on the screen. Also, it would take way
long to type out my list of 2000 questions manually. Thanks
It is baffling to most people. Really, 2000 questions is fairly
insignificant. In our spare time we have to cover 1500 pages of reading over
the next 6 weeks. Did I mention we work 12 to 14 hour days. This is our
life right now. The questions are a vacation.