
  • Thread starter Thread starter jacqui
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Can anyone help with the VBA syntax for the following
autofilter. I've written the code below which is fine
provided I just wish to filter on criteria1. (The vChanArr
(n) represents a reporting type of which there can be 10.)

Sheets("Data").Range("DatArea").AutoFilter _
Field:=3, Criteria1:=vChanArr(n)

However, in field 2 of my DatArea range is something I
refer to as a Datatype. This entry can either be a Y or a
M. These signify whether the data is Year to date or
Month of. How would I filter on both the vChannArr plus
my datatype of either Y or M.
I'd greatly appreciate any help.
Many thanks

I had a problem like this, but instead of using the
AutoFilter, I used the Advanced Filter. If you set up a
criteria range then you can enter the values into that
range boefore applying the advanced filter.

I can't remember the code for it, but if you just record
it, excel will write the best part of it for you.
If I understand your question correctly:

With Sheets("Data").Range("DatArea")
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Y"
.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=vChanArr(n)
End With

Hope this helps,
James dot Becker at NCR dot com