Very fast méthod : 0.1s for 10.000 items
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim temp()
temp = Range("liste") ' liste tableau temp (1 To n,1 To 1)
' ou temp = Range([B2], [B2].End(xlDown))
Call tri(temp, 1, UBound(temp, 1))
Me.ListBox1.List = temp
End Sub
Sub tri(a(), gauc, droi) ' Quick sort
ref = a((gauc + droi) \ 2, 1)
g = gauc: d = droi
Do While a(g, 1) < ref: g = g + 1: Loop
Do While ref < a(d, 1): d = d - 1: Loop
If g <= d Then
temp = a(g, 1): a(g, 1) = a(d, 1): a(d, 1) = temp
g = g + 1: d = d - 1
End If
Loop While g <= d
If g < droi Then Call tri(a, g, droi)
If gauc < d Then Call tri(a, gauc, d)
End Sub
There's nothing built in that will let you do this.
One way I've used is to:
Insert a temporary worksheet
copy the column of data to column A of that new sheet
then use advanced filter (unique records only) and put it into column B
And pick up the values in B2:B### (header in B1).
There are other techniques like using a collection and looping through the
John Walkenbach shows how (for a different purpose) here: