I'm a novice and have not used Access in awhile.
tblPurchaseOrder joins tblPOPayments on PO#, 1 to many. When Payments are
added in the subfPOPayments (on frmPurchaseOrder), I would like the Payment#
to autofill with 1,2,3,4, etc., each time a new Payment is added. I have put
a field in tblPOPayments for this, but I do not know what expression to put
in the form field. I made the field a number field.
Thank you for your help,
I'm a novice and have not used Access in awhile.
tblPurchaseOrder joins tblPOPayments on PO#, 1 to many. When Payments are
added in the subfPOPayments (on frmPurchaseOrder), I would like the Payment#
to autofill with 1,2,3,4, etc., each time a new Payment is added. I have put
a field in tblPOPayments for this, but I do not know what expression to put
in the form field. I made the field a number field.
Thank you for your help,