Open your form in design view then open you VBA window. Directly underneath
Option Compare Database, place this code:
Private ctrl1 As String 'CustLast
Private ctrl2 As String 'OfficeNo
Private ctrl3 As String 'Officer
Private ctrl4 As String 'Region
Private ctrl5 As String 'Closer
Use as many as you need and if you need less than 5 then just delete the
rest. The name I gave them are my field names and are reference so I know
which control is what. So far so good right?
In the On Click event of your command button, place this code:
ctrl1 = CustLast
ctrl2 = OfficeNo
ctrl3 = Officer
ctrl4 = Region
ctrl5 = Closer
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "frmclosingandfundinginfo", acNewRec 'goes to
new record
CustLast = ctrl1
OfficeNo = ctrl2
Officer = ctrl3
Region = ctrl4
Closer = ctrl5
The names before and after the = sign is the name of your field just change
mine to yours. If you follow this it will work perfectly. I used it in three
databases and never had a problem. This is not my code so if you do run into
a problem, I do not know how to fix it.
Good Luck!