Autodialing vpn connections

  • Thread starter Thread starter José Luis
  • Start date Start date

José Luis

Hi to all

Do anyone knows how can I open an VPN connection defined as the automatic
work connection in Start->Configuration->Connections->Advanced->Network
selection via code?

I usually use ftp connections and when I try to open a session, the system
autodials the gprs connection, but i'm not able to make the vpn works.

Any hint about it?

I'm using WM6 and I can use any framework that solves my problem.

You can use Connection Manager to achieve this. Since it knows that your VPN
connection provides a bridge from "The Internet" to "Work" when you request
a connection to "Work" it should dial the appropriate GPRS connection and
then the VPN. You can either P/Invoke the ConnMgrEstablishConnection
yourself or use one of the wrapper libraries e.g.


Peter Foot
Microsoft Device Application Development MVP | |
APPA Mundi Ltd - software solutions for a mobile world
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