Autocopying data from one sheet into other sheets

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I have sales data that is 12 columns across in one spreadsheet. I would like
to autocopy this data into other spreadsheets based on the sales reps name so
that each rep will have his own spreadsheet. Is there a formula that I can
use in the blank spreadsheets that will copy the data from the main

You may want to look at the way Ron de Bruin and Debra Dalgleish approached it:

Ron de Bruin's EasyFilter addin:

Code from Debra Dalgleish's site:

Create New Sheets from Filtered List -- uses an Advanced Filter to create
separate sheet of orders for each sales rep visible in a filtered list; macro
automates the filter. AdvFilterRepFiltered.xls 35 kb

Update Sheets from Master -- uses an Advanced Filter to send data from
Master sheet to individual worksheets -- replaces old data with current.
AdvFilterCity.xls 55 kb

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at: