autocompleting www addresses



Hi and happy new year. I had a problem with the hugesearch
virus hijacking my browser which I've finally got rid of
by editing the registry. Trouble is, now when I type an
address in the address bar as "" it won't
find the address ie it won't automatically put in the
http:// at the front.

I know what the problem is, when I was editing the
registry, i replaced all the urls with so google would be my search engine
and search assistant but obviously one of these was
supposed to be something else. I can't find which on it is
and what it should be instead of -
anyone know the solution? Cheers.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Chris said:
Hi and happy new year. I had a problem with the hugesearch
virus hijacking my browser which I've finally got rid of
by editing the registry. Trouble is, now when I type an
address in the address bar as "" it won't
find the address ie it won't automatically put in the
http:// at the front.

I know what the problem is, when I was editing the
registry, i replaced all the urls with so google would be my search engine
and search assistant but obviously one of these was
supposed to be something else. I can't find which on it is
and what it should be instead of -
anyone know the solution? Cheers.

Check the below Registry entries vs. yours:



Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
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