


I am entering in a list of around 10,000 company names into an xcel worksheet
the auto-complete function sometimes works when I retype the exact same
company namein the same column, but will then stop working for no reason.Any
suggestions on how to solve this problem.


I found this myself some time ago. I came to the conclusion that Excel
only looks back a certain number of rows (1000?) to see if there is a
match, though I don't know if this is true.

Of course, it might be that you have very similar names, eg Roberts and
Robertson, and Excel can only distinguish between these when you type
the second "o" - adding the final "n" for you is not much help.<g>

Hope this helps.



Another possibility (which I learned from this board in the not too future
past.) Excel likes contiguous ranges so it seems that if there are gaps in
your data (apparently in either the column you are in or the one to the
immediate left) auto-complete will not pick up data from before the gap.
Since I read about this, I have noticed it appears to be true. I don't know
about the certain # of rows as that has not come up for me.

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