I'm building my first ever Access datebase and I have a form called Enter
Comp. In this form I have a combo box called Combo9 that gets it's data from
a table called CompType. In the Table CompType I have three fields. The Comp9
combo box gets it data for the second field in the table the field is called
Compdescription. On the form Enter Comp I also have a text box called
CompAmount. I want this text box to auto populate once a user choices a
comptype from the Combo9 combo box with the number that is in the Points
table on the CompType table. Currently on the CompType table the fist filed
is called ComptypeID this number starts at 1 and auto counts to the next
number. So like on the table ComptypeID is 1, CompDescription is Buffet and
Points is 200. So again what I'm looking for is when a user selects the
Buffet on the Combo9 combo box on the form the text box CompAmount auto
updats to 200. I hope this makes scense.
I'm building my first ever Access datebase and I have a form called Enter
Comp. In this form I have a combo box called Combo9 that gets it's data from
a table called CompType. In the Table CompType I have three fields. The Comp9
combo box gets it data for the second field in the table the field is called
Compdescription. On the form Enter Comp I also have a text box called
CompAmount. I want this text box to auto populate once a user choices a
comptype from the Combo9 combo box with the number that is in the Points
table on the CompType table. Currently on the CompType table the fist filed
is called ComptypeID this number starts at 1 and auto counts to the next
number. So like on the table ComptypeID is 1, CompDescription is Buffet and
Points is 200. So again what I'm looking for is when a user selects the
Buffet on the Combo9 combo box on the form the text box CompAmount auto
updats to 200. I hope this makes scense.