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Hi, please help!! I have created a template for stationery and signatures.
The problem is I want to now implement the signature into outlook which I
know how to do fine, the problem lies, I want a certain part of the text
Arial size 12 and it is in the code as size 12 but soon as it goes into
outlook it recognises it as size 12 but when I hit the reply button its
showing size 10. This is very annoying I would be very grateful for any
assistance on this.

Much appreciated.
You are not providing any relevant details to work with here. We at least
Version of Outlook?
Message format?
Note that when you hit the reply button, the message format depends on the
format of the received message. If you reply to a message in Plain Text it
will use the Plain Text version of your signature.

Does the size also change for when replying to an HTML formatted message?
Are you using Word or Outlook as the email editor? Does changing it make a
hello, firstly thanks for the quick reply. When I hit reply depending on if
its a plain text or html ot stays as size 10 but its set to size 12.

I am using outlook not word, not allowed to use word for some reason.
Changing doesnt make a difference still stays at size 10.