Auto Search Bar



I can search from the address bar, my setting are MSN for the auto search
engine, display results and go to the most likely site, well it dispalys the
results in the main window and does not go to the most likely site. It is not
splitting the window and bringing up the explorer bar frame. I have run 2 ad
ware programs. I have reinstalled IE6, I have done a reinstall of Windows XP,
I have re-updated with IE6 updates and service packs. I have deleted the
cookies and files and cleared the history trail, and still it is not
performing the way that is should.


Follow up to this post. I am starting to wonder if it is related to a recent
update by Microsoft, as my computer at work has started doing the same thing.

Jan Il

Hi Connie :)

Do you know which update you installed last? If so, post it here. Also,
download, install and run a full system scan with the following programs in
Safe Mode. If it is a hijacker or malware, your AV, adware or spyware
programs can not detect or remove them. Some variants can not be detected
or removed while in Windows, so they must be run in Safe Mode for the most
accurate results. That it is happening at work as well could be due to
other problems. Do you, or anyone at work, perhaps do work between home and
office, or do company work on your personal computers as well?

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

Most importantly, be sure to run CWShredder here
Also this program searches for hidden .dlls that recreate the malware.
About Buster:
Then visit these two sites to test for parasites and help basic cleaning:
On-Line Check
Quick-Fix Protocol.

Also download and install HiJackThis -

How to download and install HiJackThis:

Please DO NOT post your log to this newsgroup, but to the HiJackThis Support
Forums below:
AumHa HiJackThis Forum
or Bleeping Computer Forum
to allow the experts there to evaluate your log and advise you of any
necessary steps to clean your system.
(Note: You will have to Register before posting on these Forums. Please
follow all posting instructions carefully to avoid having your log deleted
or ignored.

CAUTION!!!!! Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs
below, download a copy of LSPFIX from any of the following sites:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.

You should also get a copy of WINSOCKXPFIX available at:
WinsockXP Fix- WinXP
with instructions, at
also... From LavaSoft- all versions of Windows-
(NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.)
or Winsock Fix Utility


Well I have now found another computer that is doing the same thing and that
is my desktop computer. I have not had a chance to run the programs you have
listed as I am doing a b/u on my laptop in case. But I did find the last
update that was run and it was 3/2005 KB890830 Windows Malicious Software
Removal Tool if this helps. It does appear that these all have started this
behavior as of late, I know my work computer was working correctly last week.
I do remember using the search feature late last week and it was working. My
desktop I do not use as frequently, but I have my computers set up to update
automatically. The one at work, our headquarters I know has them set up to
update automatically.

Robert Aldwinckle

Connie said:
I can search from the address bar, my setting are MSN for the auto search
engine, display results and go to the most likely site, well it dispalys the
results in the main window and does not go to the most likely site. It is not
splitting the window and bringing up the explorer bar frame.

Going to the most likely site is an anachronism from the time when
the RealNames search site was being used. AFAIK it hasn't been
working for years.

At one point it was more reliable to use the Customize button on
the Search bar than try to use the settings in the Advanced tab.
For example, it is the only way to change the default search from
the Address bar provider. Use that to make sure that MSN is still
your default provider when searching from the Address bar.
For example, Google does not support the search bar.

Hmm... I just tested having MSN as my default provider and it appears
it has changed behaviour yet again even though the options are still listed.
OTOH it still lists the Just go to the most likely site option. <eg>

BTW when you press Ctrl-e what do you see?

Also, note that changes to these preferences appear to be
more undocumented "requires restart" changes. I had to close
all IE windows before seeing that my changes had been actioned.


Robert Aldwinckle

Jan Il

Hi Connie :)

Well I have now found another computer that is doing the same thing and
is my desktop computer. I have not had a chance to run the programs you
listed as I am doing a b/u on my laptop in case. But I did find the last
update that was run and it was 3/2005 KB890830 Windows Malicious Software
Removal Tool if this helps. It does appear that these all have started
behavior as of late, I know my work computer was working correctly last
I do remember using the search feature late last week and it was working.
desktop I do not use as frequently, but I have my computers set up to
automatically. The one at work, our headquarters I know has them set up to
update automatically.

I have not heard of problems such as this being caused by the update.
However, as you have this program installed, run it as well as the other
scumware tools I have provided. If nothing is found on your system by any
of them, and the problem persists, then uninstall this update and reboot and
see if the problem is still there. It should be listed in the Add/Remove
Programs list in the Control Panel.

As a quick test, Go to Tools>Internet Options>Advanced tab
Check the box next to Enable third-party browser extensions (requires

Then see if the problem still exists. If not, then you can be fairly sure
you do have some form of scumware on your system causing the problem. If
the problem still exists, then try uninstalling the update. Wouldn't hurt
to do the scan anyway, just in case there is a hidden bug.

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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