Auto scrolling question

  • Thread starter Thread starter staystill
  • Start date Start date


A friend showed me the strangest thing on her computer. When she went to
a web page, the page would immediately scroll automatically. Sometimes a
page would not auto scroll, but would start doing so after clicking a
few links. What is causing this, and how can the auto scrolling be
stopped? She was running Win2K and IE6.

Hi staystill,

Without the source of the Web Page I cannot be certain. However my guess is that
JavaScript is providing the functionality in a way similar to the following Web Page.
It has a button that, if clicked and if Active Scripting is allowed, uses JavaScript
code to automatically scroll the page.

Writing a Windows Installation script
Setup Information File (INF) Definition

Some of the relevant code from Web Page:

function scrollit() {
for (i=1; i<=50000; i++)
function scrollitup() {
for (i=50000; i>=1; i--)

If the Web Page in question uses JavaScript to auto scroll this can be "stopped" by
configuring Internet Explorer to Prompt for approval before running Active Scripts.
Then, when visiting the Web Site a dialog box will popup asking you whether or not
you want to allow script to run. If you click the No button Active Scripting is
effectively disabled for that Web Site and it (most likely) will not scroll.

To configure Internet Explorer to Prompt for approval use [Internet Explorer menu
bar] Tools | Internet Properties | Security [tab] | Internet [zone] | Custom Level
[button] | Scripting: Active Scripting Prompt.

For more information about configuring Custom Levels of Security for Internet
Explorer see:

Internet Explorer Security Zones by Scott Schnoll

Using Internet Explorer > How-to Articles: Setting Up Security Zones

And for future reference, you will have a better chance of having your Internet
Explorer questions answered by IE experts if you post in the appropriate group.

If you are posting from the Microsoft Communities Web Page see:

Microsoft Product Support Community Newsgroups Home Page
Main Topic: Internet Technologies

If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader such as Outlook Express, and
use the news server, here is a link to the IE6 newsgroup: