Jsun via AccessMonster.com
I have an issue where I am trying to auto populate two different memo
fields based on my selection using a combo box. If I select -1 then it
would go into memo field NFMinusComment, and if it is +1 then it would go
into NFPlusComment. Zero is the default and would not need anything
entered. When I currently make my selection it is populating into both
fields when I make other field selections. Here is what I currently have.
Dim MX1(3) As Variant
Dim MX2(3) As Variant
Dim MX3(3) As Variant
Dim M04(3) As Variant
Dim M05(3) As Variant
Const A1 As Integer = 1
Private Sub Minus()
NFMinusComment = MX1(0) & vbCrLf & MX2(0) & vbCrLf & MX3(0) & vbCrLf & M05
End Sub
Private Sub Plus()
NFPlusComment = PX1(1) & vbCrLf & PX2(1) & vbCrLf & PX3(1) & vbCrLf & P04(1)
& vbCrLf & P05(1)
End Sub
Private Sub GE05_UsePropOpen_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If GE05_UsePropOpen = -2 Or -1 Then
If A1 = 1 Then
MX1(0) = "GE-05 Used proper opening: "
Call Minus
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
PX1(1) = Null
Call Plus
End If
End If
If GE05_UsePropOpen = "0" Then
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
MX1(0) = " "
Call Minus
PX1(1) = " "
Call Plus
End If
If GE05_UsePropOpen = 1 Then
If A1 = 1 Then
PX1(1) = "GE-05 Used proper opening: "
Call Plus
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
MX1(0) = Null
Call Minus
End If
End If
End Sub
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
fields based on my selection using a combo box. If I select -1 then it
would go into memo field NFMinusComment, and if it is +1 then it would go
into NFPlusComment. Zero is the default and would not need anything
entered. When I currently make my selection it is populating into both
fields when I make other field selections. Here is what I currently have.
Dim MX1(3) As Variant
Dim MX2(3) As Variant
Dim MX3(3) As Variant
Dim M04(3) As Variant
Dim M05(3) As Variant
Const A1 As Integer = 1
Private Sub Minus()
NFMinusComment = MX1(0) & vbCrLf & MX2(0) & vbCrLf & MX3(0) & vbCrLf & M05
End Sub
Private Sub Plus()
NFPlusComment = PX1(1) & vbCrLf & PX2(1) & vbCrLf & PX3(1) & vbCrLf & P04(1)
& vbCrLf & P05(1)
End Sub
Private Sub GE05_UsePropOpen_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If GE05_UsePropOpen = -2 Or -1 Then
If A1 = 1 Then
MX1(0) = "GE-05 Used proper opening: "
Call Minus
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
PX1(1) = Null
Call Plus
End If
End If
If GE05_UsePropOpen = "0" Then
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
MX1(0) = " "
Call Minus
PX1(1) = " "
Call Plus
End If
If GE05_UsePropOpen = 1 Then
If A1 = 1 Then
PX1(1) = "GE-05 Used proper opening: "
Call Plus
NFMinusComment.Visible = True
NFPlusComment.Visible = True
MX1(0) = Null
Call Minus
End If
End If
End Sub
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you