"Cant find Copy.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try
To search a button, click start button and then click search."
This the alert I am getting when i click/enter on any partitions(d: & e
If I right click the context menu show auto play as first item. if i click
open it opens. i can open it by clicking on folder tree view in windows
explorer. Before C: drive(only os and other programs) also had problems. but
when i formated and reinstalled the problem was solved, solved only for C:.
the problem persist for d: and e:
"Cant find Copy.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try
To search a button, click start button and then click search."
This the alert I am getting when i click/enter on any partitions(d: & e

If I right click the context menu show auto play as first item. if i click
open it opens. i can open it by clicking on folder tree view in windows
explorer. Before C: drive(only os and other programs) also had problems. but
when i formated and reinstalled the problem was solved, solved only for C:.
the problem persist for d: and e: