Thanks for your suggestion but the Activities tab doesn't contain the
detail I need. Rather, it just contains an obscure, one line
reference for every email between that contact and me - no dates, no
ability to see what is behind that obscure one line, cryptic
descriptor without having to open each & every email. I DO USE Notes
as a repository for all my email correspondence and it works great,
except I have to constantly cut and paste emails into it. What I was
hoping for is that someone has written a little utility to: 1)
automatically open a contact when I receive an email from them; 2)
let me copy the email and my response directly into notes without the
laborious cutting and pasting; 3) eliminate all the blank lines.
If you know of anything like this, regardless of the cost, please
give me the details, Thanks, Mike
Russ Valentine said:
Wouldn't it be better to use Outlook the way it was designed? The
Notes field of the Contact Record was not designed to be a
repository for all your email correspondence. Message Folders are,
and the Activities Tab in the Contact Record provides a dynamic
link to all your correspondence with a given Contact.
Russ Valentine
"(e-mail address removed)"
Is there any add-on or way in Outlook to automatically open the
matching contact from an incoming email address? That is, when I
respond to an email
where the contact is already in Outlook, I would like the contact
to be automatically opened and my response automatically entered
into the notes field. I would be happy to by and add-on that
gives me this capability, if
anyone knows of one.