I would like for Excel to Auto number Sales Orders for
us, but keep up with them incrementally. The Numbers are
formatted as follows: ABC000XX (Where is X will be the
numbers auto enumerated.). We would like for it to
Automatically insert the numbers. The Theory is that we
will be able to use the numbering scheme all the way up
ABCXXXXX (Where X is autonumber incrememntally.).
Can thi sbe done in Excel? Thanks, Keith
us, but keep up with them incrementally. The Numbers are
formatted as follows: ABC000XX (Where is X will be the
numbers auto enumerated.). We would like for it to
Automatically insert the numbers. The Theory is that we
will be able to use the numbering scheme all the way up
ABCXXXXX (Where X is autonumber incrememntally.).
Can thi sbe done in Excel? Thanks, Keith