creating a separate table for "person" data will allow you to do what you
mention in the first paragraph of this post. You would search for a person,
and have the other data display.
This is NORMALIZATION of your data. If you don't get your structure right
now, you'll always have problems.
Just curious... Why don't you just use the built-in "Service Call
Management" template that comes with Access and then modify it to better
meet your needs?
Rick B
RigasMinho said:
I dont wanna do that.
I have it setup so that i call upon the user information by finding his last
name which grabs all the rest of his information.
Then I type in the person's question.
I tried doing the DMAX function but cant seem to figure it out.
i wrote down
Reference_Number.Value = DMax("Reference Number", "[Call Center Table]", 1)
is tis right?
RigasMinho said:
I made a form that assigns an auto incriment number to each employee i find.
However if i find the same employee twice the auto incriment number doesnt
change but assigns that person to the same number as before?
anyone know how to solve this