Do you want the form to bring up the student record (to update/view phone #
etc.), or will you be using the data to create an associated record(s) in
another table (like adding a new class)?
For either, I would use the tools wizard...
Option 1: From the toolbox select the combo box and place it on your form
(make sure the wizard button on the toolbox is selected.) Select the bottom
option "I want the combo box to look up the values in a table or query." The
wizard will walk you through the steps of selecting the data for the combo
box (select your Students table, then the name fields, etc.)
Option 2: From the toolbox select the combo box and place it on your form
(make sure the wizard button on the toolbox is selected.) Select the bottom
option "Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo
box." The wizard will walk you through the steps of selecting the data for
the combo box (select your Students table, then the name fields, etc.) Then
it will ask what you want to do with the data, select "Store that value in
this field:" and select the Student ID field.
When you get that done, there are a variety of ways to get the names to show