Craig S
XP SP3 single Desktop... (1) ADMIN User / One BkUp Admin acct ONLY for Uh-Oh
Access to System if Main Acct corrupts / No User accts.
So, I'm going to make a 1st time "Main" Admin Acct Password & use KB315231
to Create Auto-Logon SO I can bypass having to Manually Select the Desired
Acct to Boot To - I don't see C:\Windows\System32\users.hlp Help file OR
have Original XP disks (HP installed XP) so I can't use the Short Create
Auto-Logon method.
KB says if you want to have ability to Bypass the Auto-Logon User Acct at
anytime To Logon as Another Acct ["the administrator must set the following
registry key: ... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" ... with Value: ForceAutoLogon/ Type: REG_SZ /
Data: 1 ] -----------------
Question 1: "set the following registry key" means Create a new entry,
right, AND under Winlogon NEW the selection chosen is (ie) String value,
Question 2: IF I Didn't Do This and ever had the Main Admin Acct corrupt
itself wouldn't I be Unable to Logon to the computer? Seems this ought to be
REQUIRED. Have I got this concept right?
Thanks for any clarifications!
Access to System if Main Acct corrupts / No User accts.
So, I'm going to make a 1st time "Main" Admin Acct Password & use KB315231
to Create Auto-Logon SO I can bypass having to Manually Select the Desired
Acct to Boot To - I don't see C:\Windows\System32\users.hlp Help file OR
have Original XP disks (HP installed XP) so I can't use the Short Create
Auto-Logon method.
KB says if you want to have ability to Bypass the Auto-Logon User Acct at
anytime To Logon as Another Acct ["the administrator must set the following
registry key: ... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" ... with Value: ForceAutoLogon/ Type: REG_SZ /
Data: 1 ] -----------------
Question 1: "set the following registry key" means Create a new entry,
right, AND under Winlogon NEW the selection chosen is (ie) String value,
Question 2: IF I Didn't Do This and ever had the Main Admin Acct corrupt
itself wouldn't I be Unable to Logon to the computer? Seems this ought to be
REQUIRED. Have I got this concept right?
Thanks for any clarifications!