As Mike indicates elsewhere in this thread, this will limit the table to a
maximum of 26 records. That said, here's a simple example using DMax(),
which will work well enough in a single-user app. In a multi-user app,
you'll need to give consideration to other issues, like handling record
locks when two users try to add a new record at the same time.
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strChar As String
Dim intAsc As Integer
If Me.NewRecord Then
'@ is the character before A in ASCII order.
strChar = Nz(DMax("TheLetter", "tblTest"), "@")
intAsc = Asc(strChar)
If intAsc < Asc("Z") Then
intAsc = intAsc + 1
Me!txtTheLetter = Chr$(intAsc)
MsgBox "Sorry, you've used all 26 letters."
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub