Auto filling form fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacques Latoison
  • Start date Start date

Jacques Latoison

Hello all,
Is it possible to have a form fill in two fields by clicking on a drop
down list of just one of the fields.

....for example.

two fields, A and B, where field A has a drop down list with two columns
showing from a query. When you choose something, it fills in A and B from
that query.

Thanks beforehand

I took your advice and looked on that page, but have not been able to get
the event procedure to work. Here is the text of my AfterEvent:

Private Sub FileNumber_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtLastName.Value = Me.cboFileNumber.Columns(1)
Me.txtFirstName.Value = Me.cboFileNumber.Columns(2)
End Sub

The combo box is there and displays the values I want it to show, but when I
select the correct fileNumber of the person I wish to choose, it only
displays in the FileNumber field, not in either LastName or FirstName.

What am I doing wrong?