Auto Fill text boxes "Help"

  • Thread starter Thread starter chad
  • Start date Start date


not really for sure how to word this but here i go.

on the databases main form i have it set up as so.

column headers across the top that read:

average emlpoyee name sales add ons hours comments

now under each one of the headings are 36 fields that the
supervisor has to fill out every day. my question is how
do i make it auto fill the employees name field with the
previous days employee names. and lets say on tuesday one
of the employees got fired how would i make it to were as
soon as the employee was deleted the rest of the names
under that name would auto move up so the supervisor
wouldn't have to copy and paste all the names in order to
move them up.

i have the database reading from 2 tables that are linked
and a query that the main form pulls all the info from
the tables.

i am fairly new at the access thing so if you could make
the explanation easy for a beginer to follow that would
be great.

and if you have any questions regarding the lay out of
the database let me know and i am sure i could put it on
my server so you can take a look at it.

thanks again
-----Original Message-----
not really for sure how to word this but here i go.

on the databases main form i have it set up as so.

column headers across the top that read:

average emlpoyee name sales add ons hours comments

now under each one of the headings are 36 fields that the
supervisor has to fill out every day. my question is how
do i make it auto fill the employees name field with the
previous days employee names. and lets say on tuesday one
of the employees got fired how would i make it to were as
soon as the employee was deleted the rest of the names
under that name would auto move up so the supervisor
wouldn't have to copy and paste all the names in order to
move them up.

i have the database reading from 2 tables that are linked
and a query that the main form pulls all the info from
the tables.

i am fairly new at the access thing so if you could make
the explanation easy for a beginer to follow that would
be great.

and if you have any questions regarding the lay out of
the database let me know and i am sure i could put it on
my server so you can take a look at it.

thanks again
