thanks again twayne, now back to the issue - how do i set up the auto
fill for ie6 as it no longer works; jose started to help, then he
Hi Dallas,
A couple comments & suggestions inline. Seems like you said you'll
be out of touch for a bit, but this stuff is simple and will be
waiting if/when you get back.
morning twayne,
i too am disabled, of sorts & been on permanent disability for 6
years bnow & am just 52 now; have had a 4th recurrence of cancer &
the options of treatment are lessening due to repeated uses of
nuclear meds. i do hope you get complete resolution in the struggles
of your own.
No, there won't be any "resolution" in my struggles either; I just
take life a day at a time and try not to sweat the "small stuff";
that's what my doctors get paid the big bucks to do for me<g>. I
imagine much like you my life goals have changes substantially since
this all came about. They're more of a nature of returning to the
world some of the great good it has given to me now. I even do a
lot of odd things like leaving my change for the next person's
purchase in line behind me in a store and stuff like that. It's fun
sometimes to rush out of the store too, so I don't get identified.
I've been disabled since 1994 but really have had these issues all
my life. I just do whatever I can that makes me feel good and try
to keep up with the honey-do list from my wife. I can still do many
things, but what used to take me an hour or two can now take me days
to accomplish, but that's OK; much as I still miss it, I know I
can't hold down a job, so ... make lemondade, you know?
i understand what youre saying about a poster not providing enough
info. but maybe there's others sy=uch as you & i, who can't be sure
from one day to the next, if they can be on; frustrating to live
like this, eh ?
Mmm, it used to be. I guess I've mellowed and finally accepted my
fate. No sense in worry about anything because it won't change
anything. It gives me the woulda/shoulda/coulda's once in awhile,
but I have a mantra of "Patience and Perseverence will win out" and
it works for me, at least.
thanks for everything as you & most everyone else here, have been
very helpful, even when i am o/t, but apparently at least ne here
has little else to do - rarely if ever offers any help, but he sure
can jump on me w/ his garbage.
That's the kind of thing you simply have to train yourself to be
able to ignore. The sheer anonymity of the web makes a lot of
people project their own feelings and prejudices where normally
they'd never think of doing anything like that face to face with a
person. This group is actually pretty tame considered to some
groups. There is a really obnoxious imposter here and a few very large
egoes, but as
things go, other groups are much worse. Just ignore the idiots and
don't let them have the power they want to usurp from anyone they
can. They're a waste of skin and their opinions are of no import or
value to anyone anyway. I tangle with them now and then too, but
only for the entertainment value and nothing else. It's just one of
the facts of newsgroups: One has to develop a thicker skin than
normal and learn to ignore those who can't disagree without jabs or
condecension or whatever power plays they might like to attempt.
Besides, it often reall pisses them off sometimes when they discover
you're just ignoring their silliness.
i have in my sig, everything i can re: my system & will surely read
what you have provided, later as i am not feeling too well. will
add, i had ie7 & maxthjon, until my credit union site would no
longer open for me, so i got rid of max, changed to opera, which
worked for the credit union, but that's when i lost all my
passwords & usernames, which were stiored somehwere. they allowed
me to auto log in to the sites i use frequently. so i trashed opera
& tried firefox & also had a few issues with it. so for now, i am
back to ie7 & max, & now use chrome only when i need to access my
credit union. before i sign off, & dont expect a reply from me
right away - sorry - but is having more than one browser open at
the same time, or even installed at the same time, a cause for
trouble ? for the longest time, i used both ie7 & max & never a
problem, except for the bank site issue. maybe i'll try chrome full
time for my fantasy sports teams, chess, sudoku, backgammon, can
maxthon & stay w/ 1e7 & chrome.
Probably the best advice there is to settle on the broswer/s you
like and MAKE them work. Personally I use IE7 and FireFox, whatever
the latest version is, and I'm quite happy with them. If I run into
problems, it's usually going to be a file problem of one sort or
another that switching to different programs won't really help, so I
stick to what I have that I like and work at finding fixes when/if a
problem does arise. There is always someone around better than I am
and who gets me out of trouble. Fortunately my problems are usually
pretty minor ones.
again, many thasnks for all you posted.
You're most welcome. Glad I was able to help.
and again, take care & with hope, in time, both of us will feel
better more often than not. i know peter deals with some stuff too &
so hope he is doing well.
I'm doing OK! There's a lot to attitude and I work on that, too. I
didn't have the greatest upbringing or beginnings in life but once I
lost my fear of authority and anything new, deciding I was going to
be happy regardless, things made some great changes for me. And of
course I try not to dwell on my health issues, preferring "Patience
and perseverence" thoughts over worrying about tomorrow, which never
comes anyway<g>. Cheers,
have a wondeful weekend!
shenan & twayne ? you guys too ?
OK, curiousity got the better of me! I re-assembled the thread so
I could see what was going on <G>.
Neither Shenan nor I have so far participated in this thread before
today. Thus, I'm a bit confused by your "you guys too" comment.
I can't speak for Shenan of course, but I can assure you I am NOT
avoiding or otherwise boycotting you. I don't think others are,
either. Let me offer the following as friendly advice only and
not criticism in any way since it appears you might be a little
inexperienced in Usenet newsgroups, of which this is one:
-- You might be a little too anxious to see responses from
people. It can sometimes take a day or more for a particular
person to respond or even to see the post to know that it's there; it
depends on when they happen to check a particular group and how
busy they are making a living, family issues, etc..
In my case I am disabled for health reasons plus still recovering
from a serious brain concussion about 6 years ago so I may
disappear for a day or two, or for up to 4 weeks historically,
depending on how bad the pain is, and how hard the "siege" I'm having
hits me. I think from another of your posts, you might understand
Normally I won't mention that, but in this case I thought it would
be a good way to explain unexpected absences. I am NOT looking for
sympathy nor empathy even; just explaining facts. -- You do
realize that this is not a Microsoft officially supported
newsgroup, right? Microsoft provided the servers apparently but the
group is not moderated and you will not very often see any MS
employees here. It's a peer to peer group; we are all users of the
products the group is named for, either looking to help others out,
ask questions, or in some cases both.
-- Often when no one responds to any given question, it means
there is no one reading the group who knows the answer to your
Another reason to give it a day or two at least before you expect
responses. Any paranoia here will be misplaced. Believe me, if you
get boycotted, you will know it! [:^}
-- In my case (only) I'll sometimes participate in a thread and if
someone comes along who starts giving a better answer than I can,
I"ll step back and let the more knowledgeable person have the
stage. I do not suffer from NIH syndrome (Not Invented Here). After
I may or may not come back to see what's going on in the thread;
as I did this time because I'd forgotten what the thread was about
was curious. -- One of my serious pet peeves is misinformation,
and I'll often
step in when I see something I know to be wrong and try to add to
the information and clarify things.
-- If I think my response will be mediocre but I see that no one
else has responded, then I'll often try to respond with as much as
I know of a situation to provide what little help I can; sometimes
it's enough to trip a switch and at least put the person on the
right track. -- I'll often avoid further responses to a thread if
I ask for
information or see that someone else has, and it hasn't been
provided. If the OP (Original Poster) can't be bothered to respond,
then I don't waste time on them either.
-- I have a thick skin and don't respond to silly requests or rude
posts unless they are pushing misinformation. But I don't have any
problems with people who might flame me and otherwise argue
nonsense, or try to. If I don't like something I see in one post, I
just move on to the next one. There are a few here who will make
silly posts just to see how long a thread they can generate;
they're not worth bothering much with either. -- When you want to
address a question to a particular person, you
can use a Subject like "Ping Twayne" for instance, but doing so
LIMITS those others who might respond to your query because you've
made it clear you probably only want to hear from Twayne, or
whoever. I hope that helps you out a little at least; hope I wasn't
things you were already well aware of. I just guessed based on
this post what your experience level might be and I'm no more
perfect than anyone else here.
Now, w/r to your latest thread information, it appears as tough you
installed a bunch of browsers and then lost all your usernames,
paswords with IE7.
-- Is that correct?
Quite honestly, I think you provided little definitive
information. I have IE7 so I think I know what you meant, but ...
not for certain. If you wish to do a recap of what the problem is
and what you've done to repair it so far, I'll be glad to take a
shot at it and perhaps others might too.
Here's a link that may seem pretty basic but in all seriousness, if
really very good information for neophytes. Read it through and
you'll find that one thing it says is you need to always describe
your OS (which will be XP, but say to anyway), version (Home or
Pro), and Service Pack level (SP2 or SP3, etc.). Always do your
best to use the program's names for things in your query; Google
can sometimes help with that, or heck, just admit you don't know,
and ask here. Then, going forward, you're using meaningful
rather than making people guess whether you are referring to OE6's
WAB file or LIve Mails WAB, or FireFox's or Opera's, or ... you get
the idea. Try to keep people from having to make assumptions as
much as you can. And again, be sure to answer any and all
questions put to you to encourage the person to come back with more
informaiton for you. It's like helping others to help you
The link I men tioned above:
How to Post a newsgroup question effectively:
And the best way to list things IMO is in sort of a bulleted list
with only one item per paragraph/sentence, whichever..
Sorry for my excess verbosity; that happens when my meds begin to
work<g>. HTH,
anyone or are you boycotting me like tom, the ng monitor ? i hope
not as i come here for help.
i noticed tom ad not posted a single reply top anyone since
before my post of 7/22 re: the browsers, until that is, after he
read my post to him, now this morning, i see he provided a
sarcastic to someone else looking for help. if
the guy is like me, & i hope not, for his sake (!), he did
google it - 95% of the time, i start there, but i don't
understand their answers as their terminology i cannot
comprehend. so tom, rather than being class monitor & being
sarcastic, why not help someone ? seems there are, or should be 2
groups of people
here; those who know & teach, & those like myself, that don't
know & try & learn; then there's tom - he doesn't give advice
re: a query, rather, he puts on his monitor badge, puffs out his
chest & re-directs people to other sites. that said, he's even
failing at that as i have seen many o/t posts, where he did not
hassle them as he did me. i mean if you can help someone re: of
the fact it may or may not be exactly what you think should be
here, then help the person. don't just sit back, not offer any
help & when you do post, you tell people to go elsewhere! I try
to live by luke 6:31 & for the most part, it has worked out
for me - you might try that tom.
Dell P 4, 3GHz, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 160 GB, Win XP Home
16X DVD-ROM & ,6X DVD+/RW, IE7, OE6, DSL, via AT&T
any ideas ?
many thanks ia!
Dell P 4, 3GHz, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 160 GB, Win XP Home
16X DVD-ROM & ,6X DVD+/RW, IE7, OE6, DSL, via AT&T
A few months back, I was asked by the browser to save the
passwords & usernames, so I did so. it all worked fine until i
tried opera, then now firefox. now in ie7, it seems all of my
p/w's or usernames have vanished! how can i find the spot where
i can see if they are there & is
there an on/off click - for lack of a proper - to set the auto
fill in to off or on ?
many thanks
Dell P 4, 3GHz, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 160 GB, Win XP Home
16X DVD-ROM & ,6X DVD+/RW, IE7, OE6, DSL, via AT&T