Instead of creating several forms with different default values, I would like
to "auto-fill" some of the fields based on the value selected on the first
combo-box on the form. The defaults would come from a table. For example
tblSpecs would contain RecipeName, SprayArea, GDL_Material, etc. On my form
when the user selects RecipeName, the vlaues for SprayArea, GDL_Material, etc
would auto fill with the corresponding values from the table where
RecipeName=RecipeName. I think this is probably do-able but I don't have much
coding experience. Help is greatly appreciated.
to "auto-fill" some of the fields based on the value selected on the first
combo-box on the form. The defaults would come from a table. For example
tblSpecs would contain RecipeName, SprayArea, GDL_Material, etc. On my form
when the user selects RecipeName, the vlaues for SprayArea, GDL_Material, etc
would auto fill with the corresponding values from the table where
RecipeName=RecipeName. I think this is probably do-able but I don't have much
coding experience. Help is greatly appreciated.