auto fill data from cells

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i would like to be able to enter text data in cells in column b on 6
different worksheets and then have a seventh worksheet that will display all
of the text data from the six different sheets on it. So, if i list 40 words
in b5 thru b45(one word per cell) on all six sheets, i would like to see all
240 words on the seventh sheet(total "catch all" sheet)

Any help would be greatly appreciatiated.


On the 7th sheet, in cell A1
fill the formula down to A40

On the 7th sheet, in cell B1
and again fill the formula down to B40

Repeat in columns C, D, E, and F for the other 4 sheets. Change the sheet
name in the formulas to whatever the real names of those sheets are. The
formulas don't have to start in row 1 on the 7th sheet - but whatever row you
start them in, the formula should be written as shown above and then filled
down for the 40 rows.
THANKS FOR THE INFO. What if i only have 20 words on sheet 1 and 10 words on
sheet 2, etc...? How do i get them to automatically recognize the last entry
from sheet 1 so that it will add the words in the next cell where sheet 2
starts. Based on your previous instruction, it sets up the formula for 40
cells before the next page could start to total on the master sheet.
In your original post you spoke specifically of 40 words per sheet for a
total of 240 words on the 6 sheets. My response was geared toward those
'specifications', and while it put each sheet's words in separate columns on
the 7th sheet, it could be changed to put them head-to-tail in one column.

To do what it sounds like you want done at this point is probably best done
with a macro, and I'll put one together and post back here with it later. I
don't have time to put it together right this minute - my day job calls <g>.
It's not hard to put together, it just takes a little longer to write up and
test out than I have available right now.
The following code will take entries from column B on the 6 sheets and copy
them head-to-tail on the 7th sheet in column A. You can adjust the columns
used in the code. You'll need to set the sheet names in the code also, so
that they match the sheet names in your workbook. It processes all 6 sheets
at once, and it assumes no empty cells between entries in column B of the 6

To insert the code: press [Alt]+[F11] to open the VB Editor. Use Insert |
Module in the VB Editor menu to insert a new code module, then copy the code
below and paste it into the code module. Close the VB Editor and use the
macro when you need to (after modifying the code for the workbook you put it
into). The CheckLists macro is the only one of these 2 that will show in
your macro list, and it's the one to choose to perform the operation.

Sub CheckLists()
'go thru all worksheets
'and if a sheet is one
'with list we want to copy
'then do so, but ignore
'any others, including the
'one (Sheet7) where the lists
'will be combined

Dim anySheet As Worksheet
Dim doItFlag As Boolean

'clear any older results

For Each anySheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'change the sheet names in the
'Case Is =
'statements as needed
'and add more Case Is = statements
'if you add more sheets to process
doItFlag = False
Select Case anySheet.Name
Case Is = "Sheet1"
doItFlag = True
Case Is = "Sheet2"
doItFlag = True
Case Is = "Sheet3"
doItFlag = True
Case Is = "Sheet4"
doItFlag = True
Case Is = "Sheet5"
doItFlag = True
Case Is = "Sheet6"
doItFlag = True
Case Else
'for any sheet not listed above
'leave doItFlag as False
End Select
If doItFlag Then
CombineLists anySheet
End If

End Sub
Private Sub CombineLists(sourceSheet As Worksheet)
'this will copy entries from column B of sourceSheet
'into column A of destSheet (Sheet7)
'in head-to-tail fashion
'these constants control what columns are
'involved in the data copy
'change to use different columns
srcColStart = "B1"
destColStart = "A1"

'last used row on source sheet
Dim srcLastRow As Long
'last used row on destination sheet
Dim destLastRow As Long
Dim maxRows As Long
Dim destSheet As Worksheet
Dim srcOffset As Long

'change name of worksheet as needed
Set destSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet7")
If Val(Left(Application.Version, 2)) < 12 Then
'in pre-2007 Excel
maxRows = Rows.Count
'in Excel 2007 (or later)
maxRows = Rows.countlarge
End If

destLastRow = destSheet.Range(destColStart).End(xlDown).Row
If destLastRow = maxRows Then
destLastRow = 0
End If

srcLastRow = sourceSheet.Range(srcColStart).End(xlDown).Row
If srcLastRow = maxRows Then
'nothing to copy, nothing entered
'above the last row on the sheet
Exit Sub
End If
For srcOffset = 0 To srcLastRow - 1
destSheet.Range(destColStart).Offset(destLastRow, 0).Value = _
sourceSheet.Range(srcColStart).Offset(srcOffset, 0).Value
destLastRow = destLastRow + 1

End Sub