Internet Explorer's AutoComplete feature can remember entries that
you've already made on Web pages. As you begin typing something-
a Web URL or a user name or password, for example-
AutoComplete consults its list of previous entries and proposes possible
matches-thereby reducing the amount of typing you have to do. When
it comes to entering passwords, AutoComplete can be both a help and
a hazard. If you're prone to forgetting your passwords, AutoComplete
can do your remembering for you and save you time and frustration.
On the other hand, AutoComplete can also make it easier for someone
else to log onto one of your private accounts.
If you wish to use AutoComplete for user names and passwords,
follow these steps:
1. Choose Tools, Internet Options.
2. Click the Content tab.
3. Click AutoComplete.
4. The AutoComplete Settings dialog box appears.
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Be Smart! Protect your PC!
"Fred" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message:
| Hello,
| Can anyone help me with a question about
| enabling/disabling the auto fill function for text fields
| in xp?
| Thank you!
| Fred