Charlie said:
It is the text on the hyperlink I want in the text box. There are
serveral hyperlinks that the user can click that links to the form,
ie (A name of a college) So if a user clicked on the hyperlink for
Yale, Yale would appear in the form text box, if Harvard is the
hperlink then Harvard would apperar in the form text box.
Here it is.
The image in the calling html is just one I had on hand. Put whatever you
want in here.
The form may be a bit verbose, but it is a copy of another one I had put
Nonetheless it works as you wanted
Calling code
<a href="form.html?text=Yale" target="_blank">
<a href="form.html?text=Harvard" target="_blank">
<!-- form.html -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function qsobj(parm)
var qpairs ="&")
var qvbl = qpairs[parm].split("=")
return qvbl[1] ? unescape(qvbl[1].replace(/%20|\+/g," ")) : null
function getname()
{ document.form1.Name.value = qsobj(0)}
<body onload="getname()">
<div align="center" >
<div style="border:1px solid #999999; width:60%;
<form name="form1" action="">
<div style="background-color:#DBE0F5; padding:3px; font:75% arial;">
<b>Form Heading</b>
<div style="padding:10px; font:75% Arial; text-align:left;">
Hi all,<br />
Intro. Text in here<br />
<input type="text" name="Name" value="Insert name" size="40"><br/>
<!-- more fields in here -->
Keep having fun