Hello, I was woundering if this is possible and if so how. I want to "Auto
send" an email to 4 people once a month and in this email it would include
the information from two sheets from my workbook. The first sheet is named
"Years Of Service" and in the email I need to include the info in cells B2
down to B20
20. Then from my second sheet named "Birthdays" I need the email
to include info from cells B2:C2 down to B20:C20.
send" an email to 4 people once a month and in this email it would include
the information from two sheets from my workbook. The first sheet is named
"Years Of Service" and in the email I need to include the info in cells B2

down to B20

to include info from cells B2:C2 down to B20:C20.