Auto Details View



I use List view the most but I do use details view for emptying
Recycler, pics,.. For each of these I select different fields with
specified widths in a certain order.

I was hoping to specify 3 shortcuts that would each open a folder with
different fields of specified widths in a certain order(ie
filename=100pix, size=20pix, del date=20pix, ...)

Comments/suggestions/corrections appreciated.
Your help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks- bye- Larry
Any advice is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.

Keith Miller MVP

Standard (.lnk) shortcuts won't do the trick, because they 'jump' to the
target location -- and use the view settings retained for the target. But a
folder shortcut acts more like a real folder & will retain a unique view.

To create a folder shortcut, you want two Explorer windows open -- one
viewing your Start Menu folder (right-click the Start button & select
'Open') & the other viewing the parent folder of your target. Right-click &
drag the target folder to the Start Menu folder -- when you release the
button, select the 'Create Shortcut' option.

If you're newly created shortcut shows a type of 'Folder' and has just one
tab in its Properties dialog, you were successful.

As long as they have different names, multiple shortcuts can point to the
same folder.

Once you've created the shortcuts in the Start Menu folder, you can move
them to whatever location you desire.


Greetings Keith & thank you for your response.

I noticed & enquired here re 'folder shortcuts' but only knew that
they sorted as folders. I wondered about their usefullness. They work
as u said & I just wonder if the settings r retained after a restart?

I can use 'folder shortcuts' where the folder is fixed like Recycler
but for different folders it seems I will have to use a macro which is
much more complicated than ur solution.. It will still be a time

Comments/suggestions/corrections appreciated.
Thanks- bye- Larry

Standard (.lnk) shortcuts won't do the trick, because they 'jump' to the
target location -- and use the view settings retained for the target. But a
folder shortcut acts more like a real folder & will retain a unique view.

To create a folder shortcut, you want two Explorer windows open -- one
viewing your Start Menu folder (right-click the Start button & select
'Open') & the other viewing the parent folder of your target. Right-click &
drag the target folder to the Start Menu folder -- when you release the
button, select the 'Create Shortcut' option.

If you're newly created shortcut shows a type of 'Folder' and has just one
tab in its Properties dialog, you were successful.

As long as they have different names, multiple shortcuts can point to the
same folder.

Once you've created the shortcuts in the Start Menu folder, you can move
them to whatever location you desire.

Any advice given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP so it
may only apply NUGS (Normally, Usually, Generally, Sometimes :)

Keith Miller MVP

I'll be back later tonite to explain how to do what you want. Gotta get to
Dog Obedience :)

Keith Miller MVP

Larry(LJL269) said:
Greetings Keith & thank you for your response.

I noticed & enquired here re 'folder shortcuts' but only knew that
they sorted as folders. I wondered about their usefullness. They work
as u said & I just wonder if the settings r retained after a restart?

They should be.
I can use 'folder shortcuts' where the folder is fixed like Recycler
but for different folders it seems I will have to use a macro which is
much more complicated than ur solution.. It will still be a time

Comments/suggestions/corrections appreciated.

The 'Remember each folders view settings' could more aptly be named 'Recall
each folders view settings'. If you turn it off, the saved settings for the
folder you first open are applied to that view -- as well as any folder you
browse to from that window -- i.e. the view settings stay the same while
browsing. View settings are only saved for the folder being displayed when
you close Explorer. Here's the link describing this behavior:

So, if you combine that with several folder shortcuts that have saved
different view layouts, you should get the behavior you desire.


They should be.

Unfortunately they dont. Too bad- it was a good idea. So its Macro

Thanks- bye- Larry

Any advice is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.


Larry(LJL269) wrote ::
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 03:28:16 -0500, "Keith Miller MVP"
Unfortunately they dont. Too bad- it was a good idea. So its Macro

Use AutoHotKey. Use PostMessage or SendMessage functions to send the correct
WM_COMMAND message to explorer.

Good Luck, Ayush.

Keith Miller MVP

Yes, they do. I created three folder shortcuts to the same folder & saved each with a different
icon style. These views were retained after reboot. With no indication of whether or not you read
the rest of my post, I won't bother you with the details.

The problem is that with 'Remember each folders view setting' turned off, Explorer behaves
differently than MS describes in the link I posted -- any folder you browse to has the current icon
style applied to it, even if you don't close Explorer on that folder. I found a workaround for
that, and am able to achieve the behavior you desire.

Terse replies make me wary of taking the time to continue a conversation you seem eager to end.

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