auto complete in "send to" field?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Evangelista
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Michael Evangelista

Just moved over to Vista and Windows Mail after years as a happy xp/oe user.
First annoyance - no auto completion of addresses, even though I have the
feature toggled on in the settings.

Is this a bug? Any fix?
I send up to several hundred emails and ng posts on any given day and need
the auto completion desperately!
Hi Gary -
Thanks for the reply.

Hadn't heard of 'live mail' before now... but it looks good, based on the
link you posted.
Is it safe to assume this would be a complete replacement for the Windows
Mail app that ships as part of Vista?
If so, will it import all my accounts, messages, folders, rules, etc from

Gary VanderMolen said:
Auto-completion in Windows Mail is very temperamental. Sometimes
it works, often it doesn't. This feature has been fixed in WLM:

Gary VanderMolen
Yes, WLM should import everything, at least it did for me.
It doesn't wipe out Windows Mail but does remove the
shortcut for it. I recreated the WM shortcut because I
need to run WM occasionally for testing purposes.

Gary VanderMolen

Michael Evangelista said:
Hi Gary -
Thanks for the reply.

Hadn't heard of 'live mail' before now... but it looks good, based on the link you posted.
Is it safe to assume this would be a complete replacement for the Windows Mail app that ships as part of Vista?
If so, will it import all my accounts, messages, folders, rules, etc from winMail?
hello again -
just tried it, and the import came through all screwy, folders misnamed,

Too tired and impatient to sort it out after so much time already
configuring windows mail.
I have a new MS Office suite on the way this week, might just hang tough and
see what I think about Outlook.
Thanks for the info, though... I have a feeling if I were starting fresh I
might really like Live Mail, but with the accounts and gazillion-odd folders
I have to import, it needs to be a smooth connection to earlier apps.

Gary VanderMolen said:
Yes, WLM should import everything, at least it did for me.
It doesn't wipe out Windows Mail but does remove the
shortcut for it. I recreated the WM shortcut because I
need to run WM occasionally for testing purposes.

Gary VanderMolen
Sorry to hear about the unsatisfactory folder import.
Yours is the first negative report I have seen about this.

Gary VanderMolen

Michael Evangelista said:
hello again -
just tried it, and the import came through all screwy, folders misnamed, etc.

Too tired and impatient to sort it out after so much time already configuring windows mail.
I have a new MS Office suite on the way this week, might just hang tough and see what I think about Outlook.
Thanks for the info, though... I have a feeling if I were starting fresh I might really like Live Mail, but with the accounts
and gazillion-odd folders I have to import, it needs to be a smooth connection to earlier apps.
hi Gary - it might have something to do with the way the import from OE to
winMail worked out for me orignally.
Some of my folders threw errors, which stopped the import process dead in
its tracks, so I had to do them in batches.

Everything in winMail looks fine, but in LiveMail, they were named all funky
and grouped the way they were imported originally... too much trouble, and I
was too tired and in a hurry. Other than the lack of autocomplete,
everything else in winmail is just the way I like it.



Gary VanderMolen said:
Sorry to hear about the unsatisfactory folder import.
Yours is the first negative report I have seen about this.

Gary VanderMolen