Auto Complete fields in a form

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I am really brain dead this week. I can't remember how to make an Access
form auto fill subsequent fields. For example I choose an employee in a
combobox and his address and company name and phone number automatically fill
in below in the other fields (appropriately named of course). How do I set
that up?

Or perhaps you're looking for an autolookup query to automatically fill in
the other fields on the form. If so, please see the tutorial on "How to
'auto-complete' a form, with and without code" by using an autolookup query
to automatically fill in information for new records:



See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)

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Dear bmersereau:

I believe I misinterpreted what you needed... Gunny's suggestion seems more
to the point..
