I am not 100% sure I understand what you want to do. But a textbox
control on a form can either be bound or unbound. If is is bound, the
data shown is the data in the corresponding field in the underlying
table, and any editing of the data in the control we be reflected in a
change in the data stored in the table field. If it is unbound, then it
can have an expression in its Control Source property, or the Control
Source property can be left blank. If it is left balnk, data can be
entered into the control, but this data is not related to stored data in
your database. If there is an expression, the data shown in the control
is the result of the expression, which I guess is what you've got with
your =[UnitPrice]*2. In this case, you can't enter/edit the data shown
in this control. In other words, you can't mix and match the
functionality between these differerent "types" of textbox structure.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
I have a field in my form (bound to a tbl) that needs to =[UnitPrice]*2 or a
manual entry. I got the calculation ok - but it won't let me enter data
besides the calculation. What am I missing???