Auto add new computers to a group



We have two sub OU's under our Computers OU. One for W2k machines and one
for all non-W2k machines (really just XP, we don't have any pre 2k machines).
I have a GPO for W2k machines and one for the XP machines. I have created
groups for the W2k machines and for the XP machines respectively.

Is there any way to automatically add new computers to a group and/or an OU?
Would I be better off if I investigated a way of doing so with VB?

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

Florian Frommherz

Howdy Steve!
We have two sub OU's under our Computers OU. One for W2k machines and one
for all non-W2k machines (really just XP, we don't have any pre 2k machines).
I have a GPO for W2k machines and one for the XP machines. I have created
groups for the W2k machines and for the XP machines respectively.

Is there any way to automatically add new computers to a group and/or an OU?
Would I be better off if I investigated a way of doing so with VB?

I read in another posting of yours, that you're running Windows Server
2003. If so, you could use "redircmp" and "redirusr" as described in the
following article:




This looks like it would do what we need.

One question though. I'm on a large network and only have access to my OU
and below. Under my division OU is of course, Computers, Users, Groups etc..
We used to be a child domain, but we went to OU's last year. I have
basically the same as Domain Admin rights for my OU.

Would we still be able to use redircomp at my level or would it have to be
installed by are actual Domain's Domain Admins?


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