Auto add . after Dr on Form



Hi All!,

I asked a similar question before about capitalizing a name field in
Access that would have the format 'Dr. Smith' That worked fine with
this code Copies_To = StrConv([Copies_To], 3), my question is how do I
modify this to automatically add a period (.) after the Dr? Sometimes
the user will type dr smith, and Access with the code will change this
to Dr Smith, but I would like the period added after Dr, and not added
if the user types the period as in Dr. smith. Does this make sense?
Thanks alot!


Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Use Replace function:

Copies_To = Replace([Copies_To], "Dr ", "Dr. ", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)

Pat Hartman \(MVP\)

If you want to store the person't title of address, use a separate field.
Do NOT store "Dr" and "Smith" in the same column.
If your data is properly stored, you have very few problems keeping it
correct. In fact for a person's title, a combo box is preferred. That
eliminates the user's ability to enter an invalid or inconsistant value.

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