How to Configure Internet Explorer 5.x to Block Access to All But Approved
Internet Sites
The following describes how to setup Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x so that
no sites can be viewed, except those that are explicitly allowed by an
Administrator. This is done through the Content Advisor system within
Internet Explorer itself. (i. e. 5, 6. 6/4/2003)
HOW TO: Use the Internet Explorer 6 Content Advisor to Control Access to Web
Sites in Internet Explorer (i. e. 6. 6/5/2003)
Look for some registry hack at this URL.
Henri Leboeuf
Web page:
Saverio said:
Hi there I would like to know if there is a specific way of creating a
user (on windows xp pro) with the possibility of being able to read a cd,
use netmeeting, without authorisation problems, but that can't use internet
explorer and cannot install any programmes nor from cd nor from floppy or
anywhere this sort of configuration possible? another question I
have is there a way blocking the use of internet explorer on windows xp home