"Authoring is disabled from this server"



I have not made any recent changes. Using FP 2002, win XP, int explorer
6.0 I had been running a web page built with FP 2002. Since this last
weekend I can no longer edit the web page as I used to be able to. I can hit
edit button...goes to FP page..I can edit that but when I save...instead of
updating the web it just closes FP and there is no change on the web

I have checked for virus/trojans, did a scan disk, deleted and reinstalled
FP2002. Contacted my ISP (state they use 2000 extensions)...remember, 2002
worked well with this ISP before.

Now I get an error when trying to remote publish or live edit; "Authoring is
disabled from this server" ISP is reviewing again but they state they
haven't made any changes...neither have I.



Mickey Segal

deloid said:
I have not made any recent changes. Using FP 2002, win XP, int explorer
6.0 I had been running a web page built with FP 2002. Since this last
weekend I can no longer edit the web page as I used to be able to.

Some other new problems are described in the threads "The server could not
complete your request" and "Error message - Accessing Frontpage web files".
However, in those cases the posters noted that they had installed Microsoft
updates recently. I wonder whether there is a common explanation here: a
Microsoft update or an update in commonly used Web hosting software.


Mickey Segal said:
Some other new problems are described in the threads "The server could not
complete your request" and "Error message - Accessing Frontpage web files".
However, in those cases the posters noted that they had installed Microsoft
updates recently. I wonder whether there is a common explanation here: a
Microsoft update or an update in commonly used Web hosting software.

Interesting...I did have Microsoft XP critical security updates two weeks
ago. I'll try backing out of those and see what happens.

Mickey Segal

deloid said:
Interesting...I did have Microsoft XP critical security updates two weeks
ago. I'll try backing out of those and see what happens.

I did the XP security update last week and had no problems. My problem
(detailed in the "The server could not
complete your request" thread) began yesterday, after the Office Updates
offered at: http://office.microsoft.com/OfficeUpdate/default.aspx

The updates may be unrelated to my problem but I mention it because it is
the one relevant thing I changed.

Tom Pepper Willett

We're seeing a lot of threads about problems arising after installing Office
2003 SP1. You might want to look in the officeupdates newsgroup, and
perhaps ask there.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions Support Center:
| | > Interesting...I did have Microsoft XP critical security updates two
| > ago. I'll try backing out of those and see what happens.
| I did the XP security update last week and had no problems. My problem
| (detailed in the "The server could not
| > complete your request" thread) began yesterday, after the Office Updates
| offered at: http://office.microsoft.com/OfficeUpdate/default.aspx
| The updates may be unrelated to my problem but I mention it because it is
| the one relevant thing I changed.

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