Authoring Is Disabled For This Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dick
  • Start date Start date


This problem has been plaguing me for months. It seems to fix itself
for a while only to return. When I attempt to publish with FrontPage
2000, I get an "authoring is disabled for this server" error every
time. I have asked about this previously, and MVP's have told me that
it is a problem with the ISP permissions. I have discussed this at
length with the ISP technicians (including pushing it up to the senior
techs) and they insist the problem is on my end because I am the only
one reporting it. The ISP is CableOne, not exactly a mom & pop

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and asked to have my web space cleaned out
and reset as if I were a new customer. They did this, including the
reinstallation of FrontPage 2000 server extensions. When I attempted
to reload the web site, the accursed server error popped up again. I
even tried to load the website on a friends web space at the same ISP.
Same error. I am at my wits end with this.
Sorry, but the problem is with the way your host has configured the extensions on their server. They
must enable Authoring access for your Account under the FP extensions.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
sounds to me like it's a webhost problem. is your ISP the
same as your webhost ? their tech support should fix this.
if not, look for another host/isp. i have fp2000 and use for an ISP (great, but do not use their
hosting) and for a website host. great
tech support. they fix almost all my problems and i am
still at the beginning end of web design.
(e-mail address removed)
Unfortunately, they are the only game in town. And I am too far from
a central office for DSL. CableOne is taking the stand that the web
space is "free" so they are not inclined to provide much support with
problems re web sites.
"free" + "you get what you pay for" = crappy web host.

You might consider one of those el-cheapo companies that might spend a
little more effort.

[Note, I don't think the poster was suggesting you change your ISP, just
your web hosting location... the two are not related at all, even though
they are often bundled.]
Logic tells me you are correct, but consider this. My friend down the
street using the same ISP created a website. This was just the
"starter" page the ISP provides to get you going. The FP extensions
are set up at the same time. He opened his web page with FP 2000,
added one sentence, and published it. I could open it with Internet
Explorer 6, and then opened it into my FP 2000. I added one
additional sentence and tried to publish it back to his web site using
his user name and password. The same "authoring is disabled" error
message came up that I get with my own website when trying to publish.

The fact that he can publish to his website, and I cannot publish to
his website would seem to indicate that the problem is not with the
ISP. The only difference between our PC's is that he is using Windows
2000 and I use Windows XP Pro. I am behind a NAT firewall in my
Toshiba cable modem/router and ZoneAlarm Pro. Both of these have been
in operation for the several months while I had no problem publishing.
Something else has changed, but what, other than numerous Windows
security updates during that time.
First, when you use the Edit with FP from within IE while looking at a web site, you should prompted
to login, and if you cancel dialog, you will still get the page, however you can not save any
changes back to the web site, unless the permissions are corrupted for that web site's account.

The FP extensions are applied individually to each web site / account, so the fact that others can
access their account via FP doesn't mean that your account is configured correctly, which it isn't,
if you can not access it.

Since you are using ZoneAlarm, try accessing your site with it disabled. Since you have a router,
you really can do without ZoneAlarm. Have you checked for any updates for ZoneAlarm and your router,
if running any supplied software?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
I saved his website to my computer, then treated it as a regular,
stored web. At this point, IE was not in the picture. Remember, I
wasn't using my website, only my broadband connection to access his
account and website.

I am going to experiment tomorrow. I will take my web site to my
friend's house, install it on his computer, and attempt to publish it
on both my website and his. I will post back with my results.

See inline below.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Dick said:
I saved his website to my computer, then treated it as a regular,
stored web. At this point, IE was not in the picture. Remember, I
wasn't using my website, only my broadband connection to access his
account and website.

I understand that, however if you opened his site in IE, then selected Edit With FP, any change you
make can not be save back to his web site, unless you opened the site with his login info, which you
didn't indicate that you had logged into his account.
I am going to experiment tomorrow. I will take my web site to my
friend's house, install it on his computer, and attempt to publish it
on both my website and his. I will post back with my results.

Have tried disabling ZoneAlarm?
Yes, I was logging into his account with his user name and password.

I did turn off ZoneAlarm. No difference. I next tried turning of the
NAT firewall in the cable modem, but I then could not connect with the
Internet. The message I received when turning it off was that the
router could no longer translate network addresses (NAT.) Seems self
defeating. Anyway, hoping tomorrow sheds some light. Thanks for all
the insight.

I had non stop problems publishing with Windows XP and Zone Alarm running.
I found that simply disabling ZA was not sufficient - it had to be set to
not run at start-up, then the PC rebooted. Apparently, disabling Zone
Alarm disables the GUI, not the drivers!
Well, I think I'm ready to throw in the towel and take up stamp
collecting. I took my computer (the one getting the authoring not
enabled message) to my friend's house. I plugged into his network and
started getting a URL not found with frontpage extensions error. His
computer yielded the same error message. I brought the computer back
home, and the URL not found message disappeared, and the Authoring not
enabled error message was back. Same computer. Same software. Same
web. Same server location. The only difference was the pipe (cable)
connecting to the same ISP. Really getting ridiculous.

That really sound like a hosting issue, since your friend's computer is seeing the same error
message when connecting to your site.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
I agree, but isn't it strange that we get different error messages
depending upon which broadband connection is made to the ISP?
