Where can i find an example of authoring a combobox
control FROM SCRATCH in vb.net ??
control FROM SCRATCH in vb.net ??
Where can i find an example of authoring a combobox
control FROM SCRATCH in vb.net ??
* "One Handed Man said:Do you mean designing a custom combo box control from the ground up?, if so
forget it in VB. You will need C++ and the SDK if you mean what I think you
You don't need C++ or the SDK to create a combo box.
VB.Net is quite capable of doing do the job.
* "One Handed Man said:Explain how !
What's there to explain? Do you think it's too difficult or something? A
combo box is nothing more than a simple text box with a box drawn underneath
it to display the items.
What's there to explain? Do you think it's too difficult or
something? A combo box is nothing more than a simple text box with a
box drawn underneath it to display the items.
Explain why it should be possible with the "SDK" and not possible with
* "One Handed Man said:Build me the following ComboBox control from scratch using VB.NET.
I want a completely new look and feel for the comboBox. Instead of being a
combination of a ListBox and a TextBox drawn in a rectangle. I now want my
combo box to by MultiColumn, with inBuilt Sortable ColumnHeads. In addition
to this I want the shape to be a trapezoid rather than a rectangle. Change
the Look and feel of the ComboBox so that Instead of being 3D gray dropdown
I want Mirror Effect, and also as a background. Oh Yeah, and just for luck I
also want to be able to play movies in each item.
Now do that using VB !
Now do that using C++. What's the difference?!
One Handed Man said:OK Then Brian,
Build me the following ComboBox control from scratch using VB.NET.
I want a completely new look and feel for the comboBox. Instead of being a
combination of a ListBox and a TextBox drawn in a rectangle. I now want my
combo box to by MultiColumn, with inBuilt Sortable ColumnHeads. In addition
to this I want the shape to be a trapezoid rather than a rectangle. Change
the Look and feel of the ComboBox so that Instead of being 3D gray dropdown
I want Mirror Effect, and also as a background. Oh Yeah, and just for luck I
also want to be able to play movies in each item.
Now do that using VB !
Regards - OHM# OneHandedMan{at}BTInternet{dot}com
* "One Handed Man said:Show me then Herfried, because I cant see how you will acheive this in
VB.NET, please post some of your code. And tell me the steps you took to do
* "Cor said:Will you make from this two examples also?
guy said:right, now i'm glad the question raised such intrest, however intrest
and debate doesn't get the job done - you seem to believe this this
can be done (creating a combobox from scratch) and you are also
renowned for your programming skills - PLEASE show me either an
example or direction so this could be accomplished
I don't know how to do that but I think ti will be done similar to how
it is done in C++.