Author.DLL and ISA 2000 Publishing Issue



I am getting 1000's of these entries and can't figure out why I can't publish. anonymous MSFrontPage/6.0 N 2005-04-01 22:51:57 w3proxy
ISASERVER - - 80 - 616 572 http TCP POST - - 407 - - -

When I attempt to connect to the server, I get an authentication box, after
logging into the server, FrontPage 2003 Client does not respond, and there
are tons of network packets moving between my ISA server and my remote web
site, but I never see anything back in FrontPage.

We perform our own local DNS for - whereby www is not part of the
local domain, and has a hard coded DNS entry A record in the Forward Lookup
Zone, but no Reverse Lookup is entered nor is an associated Zone created for
the external www site.

We are connecting to a Windows 2003 server with Front Page extentions
installed and we are attempting to connect with a FrontPage 2003 client
sitting behind a firewall.

Any ideas?


Jason Lu [MSFT]

Hi J,

Thanks for posting.

The 407 error in the error message you posted indicates "Proxy authentication required". It seems there are some authentication issues
between the client and the proxy server.

In the meantime, I noticed a known issue for such authentication issue when using an Automatic Configuration Script. Please reference the
article below for the detailed information.

305204 Clients That Use an Automatic Configuration Script May Not Work Because

If the web server and the client are in the same LAN, you can also try adding the FQDN name and NETBIOS name of the web servre into
proxy bypass list and then publish to check the results. This can help identify whether this issue is related to proxy configuration.

I hope the information helps.

Jason Lu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Hey Jason,
Called in to get the hotfox, noticed however that the status of the hotfix
was already fixed in SP1, which I did have in place.

THe tech at the other end of the support ticket for the hotfix, went thru a
few steps with me on some other KB's to see what was causing the issue.

1) If my local machine had the Proxy Settings in IE disabled, then Frontpage
published just fine. OR

2) If I didn't change IE, and disabled the Prompt for Authentication on
Outgoing Web Requests, then this too would work.

3) We looked into KB 250376 but this was geared to Frontpage 2000 and in my
registry there was not a key as described in the KB to force frontpage to use
proxy settings other than IE, this would have been the ideal way, but did not

Finally the work around that we found was related to opening the rules up to
allow anyone anywhere at anytime...that is for port 80 and 443, since
Frontpage was having authentication issues, it appears that my machine was
attempting to get back out port 80, and yet only the user account was

We added a rule for port 80- and 443 like my other rule, but rather than
have users/groups defined, I added client sets to be able to go out.

Works like a charm.

In theory, I guess when the ISP moved our public website from one server to
another, the authentication method changed, perhaps from a unix based server
to a windows 2003 server. While both are supporting Frontpage extensions, it
appears that when the authentication was coming from the ISP, ISA server was
getting confused. The credentials being passed were not the ones that were
expected...and so it started going in a loop, generating 1000's of log
entries for the Author.dll for both the user (me) and an anonymous entry,
which must have been my machine?

Looks to be working!


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