Authentification Blocked in Safemode start (W2000 Pro)

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I have a virus in Windows2000 Professional
And I need to run in SAFE MODE

But I can´t ...because when I start in SAFEMODE and I get the
"Authentification window".... the computer is blocked and beep all the time.

Anybody can help me, please.

Can you logon in "regular" mode ?? It sounds like you may have a pretty
serious compromise of your operating system and may need to do a full
reinstall to a freshly formatted system drive after backing up your data
files which as a last resort could be done by putting the hard drive in
another computer as a secondary/slave drive or doing a parallel install of
the operating system to access your data and attempt repairs. --- Steve
I dont have any problem with NORMAL mode ....
Just I have a virus ....
and I need to keill it restart in SAFE MODE
and remove the virus....
But in the AUTHENTIFICATION Window when satrt in SAFE MOED BLOCKED and
beep continously...

Sooo ...It's very difficult remove ANY VIRUS...taht you need to kill
in "Safe Mode".

Any Idea?


"Steven L Umbach" escribió:
Wow. I have never heard of not being able to logon via Safe Mode when you can
logon normally. You also could try safe mode command prompt to see if that
works. If you have identified the malware see if there are specific instructions
such as at that may allow repairs in
regular logon. You can also attempt to kill processes related to the malware
using Task Manager or a program such as the free Process Explorer from
SysInternals. If the malware has installed a service you can use services.msc
to stop and disable the service. Autoruns from SysInternals can prevent programs
from starting at startup/logon that may also help. Process Explorer and Autoruns
may also help you identify malware processes. Trend Micro also has a free
malware detection and removal utility called Sysclean that may be worth a try.
Just download Sysclean and the pattern file to a common folder tom run from - no
installation needed. --- Steve --- Autoruns from SysInternals --- Sysclean --- pattern files.
Additionally, Hijackthis is a hugely useful tool for removing unwanted
pests from your system. It is free to use.

CAUTION - It can be a devastating tool if you're not 100% sure of what
you're doing!

Unfortunately, many of the latest viruses/ trojans will detect their
process being killed, their registry keys being removed, etc. and re-
instate them. If this is the type of infection you have, you're going to
have a really hard time removing them.

Of course, if your virus scanner was completely up-to-date and on-access
scanning is enabled, you have a good firewall, keep your system patched
and follow best practice, you are VERY unlikely to contract any virus!
