Authentication - All directories except root

  • Thread starter Thread starter csumner
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know if how i can require authentication for all
directories on my website except for the root directory, without
having to put a web.config file in each one?

(The documentation talks about giving different types of users access,
but i don't see anything about different directories having separate
security settings. I have a website where the root directory should be
accessible by anonymous users, and the directories which hold my
apps(members area, chat) should, of course, require authentication. If
I specify a web.config file for every directory, i have to make every
directory an app in iis, and it's messy. Isn't there a better way?)


your root should have a web.config file.. use the <location> element to
specify the directories and the allow / deny... roles / users
(one location element per directory)

thats bout all you need to do...