Auroras Encore !!!!


Sep 30, 2005
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No this is not a post about APOD or anything spacey. Though I am over the moon about the name Auroras Encore.


SUE Smith became only the third female in history to train the winner of the John Smith's Grand National as 66-1 outsider Auroras Encore claimed the Aintree spectacular.
Beaten just a head in the Scottish National at Ayr a year ago, the 11-year-old had been well beaten in recent starts but came to challenge for the lead jumping the final fence.

Thats the beauty with the jockey in blue and yellow silks on the left.
I had a whooping 50p ew invested on the horse which gave me a tax free return of ?42.25.

For those that are not in the know. The Grand national is a institution over here and almost the whole country has a flutter on it.

So what am I going to do with that huge win ?

Well it is already spent, or at least most of it. I placed an order for the latest "B" Pi and registered an interest for the Pi Camera took me longer to place the orders that it did for the horse to win.

I'm not into horse racing at all but when the National comes round I usually have a look at the horses in the newspapers (God knows why). I have only put a bet on once and that was many years ago.

It is the only horse race I watch on TV although I did miss it this year.

Interesting thing was that in one of the papers the pre race comment on Auroras Encore was "Very poor jumper, not expected to finish." :D

However, looking at AB's link, he was second in the Scottish National last year so he can't be too bad. :D
How do you figure that ?:cool:

List of fatalaties

While horses may like to run, they don't like been pushed for long periods.
Ever heard the saying " P*ss like a race horse "
The reason horse urinate so much before races is because they are injected with a strong diuretic called Lasix which is used to stop nasal bleeding. Nasal bleeding is caused by horses been over exerted.

Add to that the number of deaths.
Yeah right so you are talking about horse racing in the USA then

But the U.S. and Canada are among the very few countries where horses can receive injections of furosemide, a diuretic also known as Lasix, or Salix, up to four hours before post time. This drug is barred in Hong Kong, England and most other places that host horse races. Within racing, Lasix is recognized as a performance-enhancing drug.

Here’s one solution that treats both the horse and the sport with respect: don’t let bleeders race in the first place. We have technology that can monitor the degree of hemorrhaging in a horse’s airways, both before and after a race. If a horse shows a history of bleeding, why put the animal at further risk, either with or without Lasix? This move would eliminate any need for Lasix and be truly in the best interests of the animal. Hong Kong, for instance, employs a strong regulatory system, mandating 30 days of full rest and a three-month break from racing for horses that bleed through the nostrils after a race. Horses take the same break if they excessively bleed a second time and are then retired from racing after a third nosebleed incident. Palmer, the director of the New Jersey Equine Clinic, notes that only 1.4% of Hong Kong horses have retired due to bleeding.

Whilst the UK does not have such stringent regulations as Hong Kong it does have pretty strict rules for horse welfare. With veterinary checks before and after races.

You should take up the cudgel and go for a ban on dog breeding which is a much crueller practice than horse racing. :cool:
Nice winnings Abarb, now you can treat yourself to Bioshock Infinite ;)

The last time I bet on the horses I was in my twenties and it was probably the Grand National, gambling has never been an attraction for me.

And FWIW, but I'm not going to get humpty about it, I don't like the Grand national as it is atm, they should make the jumps safer. And listing one set of fatalities or likening animal deaths to other practices does not justify it, that's a politician's copout ;)

But, like I say, I ain't that bothered about it.
Aye it is me third big price winner on the national. I back five horses ew every year.

Is stick racing cruel ? I personally do not think so. Is it dangerous ? Yes.Would I support stopping it ? No, but then I am a beliver in high risk sport.

Spent the loot already flops.An yes Bioshock Infinite and Skyrim are both on me shopping list.

Shame about the jockey got injured on Sunday and in hospital. Also great about the race no horses got killed. Shame about the Friday meet two horses died.