1)Before starting download a copy of NailFix, Hijack This,
and either RegOCX or Killbox which will help unregister
stubborn files that do not want to delete.
2)Boot into Safe Mode.
3)Run Nailfix. You icons will disappear for a second or
two. This is normal.
4)Next search for and delete the following files;
nail.exe, bolger.dll, aurora.exe, svcproc.exe,
thnall1ac.html, poller.exe, uacupg.exe, DrPmon.dll.
Use Killbox or RegOCX to unregister any dlls that will not
delete then try them again. Stop any exe files that will
not delete with Task Manager then try them again.
5)Run Hijack This. check and remove any entries associated
with nail.exe or any of the other files listed above. Also
check and remove these entries if they exist:
BHO 549B5CA7-4A86-11D7-A4DF-000874180BB3
BHO FDD3B846-8D59-4ffb-8758-209B6AD74ACC
Toolbar ACB1E670-3217-45C4-A021-6B829A8A27CB
6) If you are comfortable with the registry you can also
navigate to HKEY_CurrentUser/Software/Aurora key and
delete that key (if it still exists) though it should not
be absolutely necessary to do so.
Once you reboot it should be gone. Run Hijack This again
to make sure that the entries you removed are still gone.
Check Task Manager to make sure none of the programs you
deleted are back and running. Check your Internet
connection. If you can surf for 15 minutes without an
Aurora popup then it is gone. Good luck.