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I am trying to do a wedding video... I want to put a few songs in the
beginning and cut out the audio from the tape until they get to a certain
part then use the audio of the tape....I can not figure out how to do
this....Any help would be great....thanks
I have done this quite a few times - I don't know if it
is the best way, and somebody may pop up and say it is
daft, but it works for me!
I am assuming (a) you have already got the songs on your
drive, and (b) that they are in a format acceptable to
MM? You can check in Help, look for audio/file types, to
see which ones can be used. Most :)
Copy and paste the sound file from wherever it is, into
the collection that holds the wedding clips. It will
probably appear as a thumbnail with a big music note
symbol on it.
Then go down to the timeline, to the very start, and
ensure that the +/- to the right of the word "Video" is
clicked to expand the several tracks below, to a total of
4 rather than 2, so that you can see Audio/Music as well
as Audio.
Now drag the music clip down to the timeline and drop it
onto the start of the Audio/Music track. You'll now see
it populating that track line for whatever duration it
If you play the timeline now, you'll have both the
original soundtrack plus the imported audio playing. I
have often done that and if you fiddle with the
respective volume levels it can actually be quite nice,
depending on the mood of the footage and the type of
music etc etc.
But if you want just the songs, go to the Audio track
line, and right-click on there and then click Mute, for
as many clips as you need to, to suppress the original
soundtrack for the duration of the songs.
That's about it, really. You'll probably need to twiddle
the volume levels on various clips, and fade the songs
out at their end and fade the original soundtrack back in
on the first clip where it reappears after the end of the
Hope this helps