Audio Synchronization

  • Thread starter Thread starter Doug Mc
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Doug Mc

I've created a Movie Maker file using an input tape from a Camcorder.

I happen to have a sound recording from the facility's (my church) sound
system. I've converted it to a WAV file.
The WAV file sound is much better than that from the Camcorder tape.
I'd like to use it but I'm having a problem getting it synchronized with the
image's sound. (Lip synchronization, etc.)

Do you have any hints??

Add the WAV to the Audio/Music portion of the timeline - mute the audio
portion of the video, then zoom into max on the timeline at a suitable
portion where lips are moving - then play - now estimate the difference...

Now drag over to the start and move the whole audio/music track a few
notches right
Now relocate the same lip point and check how close it has become. If you
overshoot go back to start and drag whole track a few less notches left.

Repeat this process by trial and error and you should get it pretty much

NB if the audio WAV track starts before the video started you should trim
(drag left edge to the right) it to match the start of the video - or add a
dummy title to the video to compensate for the initial audio (that has no
matching video

Thanks Mac,
Please clear this up for me: How do I "move.....a few notches right....?"

You can click on the audio and drag it back and forth on the timeline.
People try this audio syncing approach to fix audio problems all the time
and it is very tedious trying to get it right.

If you limit the amount of time where it matters (when you actually have
video where you can see the lips) and use some still images between it can
be done but not easily.
Thanks Wojo; I appreciate your help.

Wojo said:
You can click on the audio and drag it back and forth on the timeline.
People try this audio syncing approach to fix audio problems all the time
and it is very tedious trying to get it right.

If you limit the amount of time where it matters (when you actually have
video where you can see the lips) and use some still images between it can
be done but not easily.
Your welcome although I doubt it was much help. Yours is a daunting task
that I try to avoid whenever possible.
But hey, good luck! :-)
By a few notches I mean drag the whole piece (not the edge) in the smallest
increments you can manage with the mouse
Thanks Mac,
I'll give that a try.

Mac said:
By a few notches I mean drag the whole piece (not the edge) in the
smallest increments you can manage with the mouse