Audio skipping in DV-AVI

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I have saved my movie in DV-AVI so I can save it to DVD, but I have a few parts where the audio track skips slightly. I disconnected the internet, terminated other programs, and defragmented the hard disk. Any thoughts on what else to do?...I'm baffled.....thank you
Is it the "video" audio rack which skips, or a music track? If the latter,
did you use MP3, which often causes problems, change that to WAV.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
DPY said:
I have saved my movie in DV-AVI so I can save it to DVD, but I have a few
parts where the audio track skips slightly. I disconnected the internet,
terminated other programs, and defragmented the hard disk. Any thoughts on
what else to do?...I'm baffled.....thank you
Hello there,

Is the audio a separate file? and if so is it an MP3?. If yes you should
convert it to WAV. There is a very good audio program called Audacity, see
the link on my website.

If its not the above, can you tell us what CPU type & speed you have and
also what amount of free space you have together with the expected size of
the file you are trying to create.
Thank you for the responses. The audio is music I loaded onto my hard drive from a CD, and then imported it to the audio track from my hard hard drive has 30 Gig available space, and the movie only takes 3-4 Gig.....any thoughts?
did you find a solution to this problem?

DPY said:
Thank you for the responses. The audio is music I loaded onto my hard drive from a CD, and then imported it to the audio track from my hard hard drive has 30 Gig available space, and the movie only takes 3-4 Gig.....any thoughts?
Hello again,

Yes, but is the music an MP3 file? If so you should convert it to WAV. If you
do not have a converter program go to my website and click on GREAT LINKS >
AUDIO and look for Audacity...Free and Brilliant.
no, my audio file is WMA file. my problem apperas to be related to video transition between pictures. my movie has lots of pictures with few video recording in between. it has many video trans. the simple transitions works fine, the more fency ones seems to generate the problem.

ADM 1.8 MHZ with 500M ram
Hello again,

OK, got that. In that case and because you say it only happens on the
more complex transitions it is very likely that you have a bottleneck.
somewhere, unfortunately such problems can be hard to pin down to any one
thing. There are some hints and tips on speed in the FAQ section of my site.
Just in case you should also check the FAQ on hard drives in particular the
part about the DMA or PIO modes. A previous user had his hard drive set up
badly and as a result I added that section to the FAQ. It made a massive
difference to his systems performance, maybe it will help you out too.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

Ariel said:
no, my audio file is WMA file. my problem apperas to be related to video
transition between pictures. my movie has lots of pictures with few video
recording in between. it has many video trans. the simple transitions works
fine, the more fency ones seems to generate the problem.
ADM 1.8 MHZ with 500M ram
I tried this technique and the two (audio .WMA and video .AVI) files were no
longer the same length. The .AVI lasted 1% shorter than the .WMA file so
they were no longer synched. The length of the .WMA file was exactly what I
expected from the Media Player storyboard/timeline. Did you have this

Rehan said:

Here a slight modification to your technique:

1. Output your video as DV AVI with music track Muted/removed
2. Make new project with the output of step1 and apply the music track
3. Save again as DV AVI

This keeps the video in the same format.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

Kevin said:
Hi. I saw this problem a long time ago when I was doing a slide show. I
many images and video clips and was playing with all the transitions. If
output to WMV format everything is great. If you try and output to DV-AVI
format, the audio has very faint skips and pops.

The work around that I found is to do the following:

1. Output your full video to WMV format.
2. Create a new project with one clip in it. (The clip generated in step
3. Output the new project to DV-AVI.

I have more details on my website at:

Hope this helps.