Audio mixing

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I'm mixing the level of my the nat sound audio on my video clips from the camera with music from a CD, and even when I separate them into separate clips whatever adjustments I make to the beginning clips revert to the same relative levels that I'm adjusting the later clips to. How do you save what you've already mixed and have the capability of going back and revising and/or adding and mixing new clips without losing prior levels?

Hello there,

You need to break the audio clip into segments (see the pair of scissors
under the preview window) Cutting the clips in this way has no effect on
the audio, what you end up with are compartments of sound. In each
compartment you make adjustments on sound level. These adjustments will not
be "seen" in any of the other compartments.
John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thanks. I assume then that you can't vary the "mix" within the segments. So if you want to gradually change the mix you have to cut the clips each time? A little awkward. We have AVID at work, I'm kind of spoiled.
Hello there,

You have hit the nail on the head. Other programs I have allow you to make
all sorts of changes without the need to cut it up. For the time
being...that's it with MM.