Audio distortion, dvd freeze & quality glitches

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Your help or comments would be hugely appreciated.

I have 3 problems.
Having spent 3 weeks preparing and editing my daughters 1st birthday dvd,
I've run into problems at the "rendering" and burning phase.

1 The sound quality drops dramatically between what I heard as I'm editing
and what you get after a render to DV-AVI file. Original sounds like nice
piano music... rendered sounds like crappy synthesiser trying to be a piano.
It also has slight clicks

2 There are noticable compression glitches throughtout the finished render
especially near the fade to black transitions. Original material is mini-dv
transferred using firewire.

3 I've now burnt 3 dvd's using 2 different burners and 2 different brands of
All of them freeze in the dvd player at the same point. My next plan is to
re-render and re-burn.... but I would love to fix probs 1 & 2 first.

It's heart-breaking for me and my wife who have spent so long editing it all
only to have it all come crashing down with inferior finished product to show
to all our friends and relatives at the party on Saturday.

Any help, ideas or comments on your own experiences with quality issues
would be greatly appriciated.

Stephen Guyan
SGuyan said:
1 The sound quality drops dramatically between what I heard as I'm editing
and what you get after a render to DV-AVI file. Original sounds like nice
piano music... rendered sounds like crappy synthesiser trying to be a
It also has slight clicks

2 There are noticable compression glitches throughtout the finished render
especially near the fade to black transitions. Original material is
transferred using firewire.

I have the same problems above... someone mentioned
pulling the "final" AVI into a new WMM project, muting the
offending sections of the video's audio, and adding the
music/audio again (as WAV), in the "music" track, then
re-exporting to DV-AVI. I'm about to try it this afternoon,
and I'll report back on the results.

The offending audio segments apparently must also have
originally been uncompressed audio (such as WAV); if
they were mp3, too bad -- it's never gonna come out right.