EDEB said:
: A new version of Audacity was released on the 25th of August
(apologies if
: this posted earlier)
: "Audacity 1.2.2 is a new stable version of the free Audacity
sound editor.
: This release includes new features such as level meters,
multi-file export,
: and lower latency for multi-track recording. It also includes
many bug
: fixes. "
I'm a fan of the programme, and am thinking about updating for
the sake of the level meters, but can you tell me what "lower
latency for multi track recording" means please? TIA
Latency is the delay or time period between when the sound/music is "made"
or "played" and actually recorded. When you are recording your own music at
home, a low latency sound card is essential, especially when laying down
multiple tracks....
What they are talking about in this case has to do with recording one track,
while another track is playing (say I lay down a nice guitar track and I
want to add a bass and vocal ((or whatever)) track to the 1st/guitar
track....so I play the guitar track I recorded and play bass/sing along with
that track, recording those, as well (onto another track......the lower the
latency, the better, too much and they won't work together........)
Hope that helps a little........I have a pretty cheezy computer (well, I
shouldn't complain, it really isn't all THAT bad, definately could be MUCH
worse!) and since I'm disabled and don't get out much anymore, I wanted
something fun to do that I'd never had a chance to do before, cheap home
recording.......so last year I bought a Soundblaster 5.1 Live! soundcard
(all I had before was integrated) and between that a freeware copy of Cool
Edit 96, I was in biz. : )
It does everything I need it to and sure had the "right" price for my
I must've learned SOMETHING though! (haven't gotten to work with it as much
as I'd like, health stuff)
At least I was able to answer your query! : )
LOAnnie : )